This graduate program is a required degree program in general for professional clergy and minister. The study of the program includes biblical worldview, biblical interpretation, theology, spiritual formation, Christian liturgy, servant leadership principles, evangelism and other professional ministry skills.
Master Program Students receive the Master of Divinity degree upon successful fulfillment of the following program requirements:
Required (72 units)
Biblical Studies
GB 501 Hebrew I
GB 502 Greek I
GB 503 Introduction to Old Testament
GB 504 Introduction to New Testament
GB 505 Biblical Hermeneutics
GB 506 Pentateuch
GB 507 Gospels
GB 508 Romans and Galatians
GB 509 Acts
GT 501 Systematic Theology I
GT 502 Systematic Theology II
GT 504 Christian Apologetics
GT 505 Christian Ethics
GH 501 Church History
GH 502 History of Christian Doctrine
GM 501 Biblical Foundation of Missions
GM 502 Culture and Missions
Practical Theology and Ministry
GP 501 Church Planting and Growth
GP 502 Worship and Liturgy
GP 503 Homiletics
GP 504 Bible Study and Educational Ministry
GP 505 Pastoral Counseling
GP 506 Evangelism
GR 501 Research and Writing
Electives (Choose 6 courses of the following)
GT 503 Systematic Theology III
GT 508 Reformation Theology
GT 507 Contemporary Theology
GT 506 Pauline Theology
GB 510 Principles of Exegesis
GB 511 Poetic Books
GB 512 Hebrew II
GB 513 Greek II
GB 514 General Epistles
GH 503 Korean Church History
GM 503 Global Expansion of Christian Missions
GM 504 World Religions and Christian Missions
GM 506 Cross-cultural Leadership
GM 507 Missionary Life and Ministry
GM 508 Theology of Mission
GM 509 Missional Church
GP 507 Leadership and Church Administration
GP 508 Prayer and Healing
Supervised Ministry (6 units)
GS 501 Supervised MinistryI(1 unit)
GS 502 Supervised MinistryII (1 unit)
GS 503 Supervised MinistryIII (1 unit)
GS 504 Supervised MinistryIV (1 unit)
GS 505 Supervised MinistryV (1 unit)
GS 506 Supervised MinistryVI (1 unit).
The Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) is a doctoral degree program designed to prepare students for professional careers in teaching, writing, and scholarship either in the academic institutions (colleges, seminaries, or universities), Christian churches or in religious organizations. The program centers upon areas of study such as Old and New Testaments, Systematic Theology, Counseling, and Missiology. Graduates, grounded in solid scholarship, will be able to convey the insights of biblical, theological, and cultural knowledge, to understand and assess missiological issues.
The program is a 60 semester unit program with 30 units of required courses including dissertation writing and 30 units of elective courses. The course of study usually spans a period of four years. Students must complete their study within seven years, beginning on the date of their first registration for Th.D. courses. A Th.D. student must carry nine (12) or more units to be considered a full-time student. Those carrying fewer than twelve units are considered part-time students
1. Completion of all required course work with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
2. Satisfactory pass of the comprehensive examination
3. Completion of an acceptable dissertation (about 150 to 200 pages)
4. An oral defense of a dissertation: The dissertation is submitted, and defended in an oral examination.
All candidates for the Doctor of Theology degree must pass a written comprehensive examination over the major field of study. These examinations serve as a major means of evaluating the student's academic competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 42 units of Th.D. coursework. Only two retakes of the examination are permitted.
The Th.D. dissertation is the bulk of the doctoral program. The paper should be double-spaced with the font no smaller than ten and no larger than twelve. Most Th.D. dissertations will be between 150 to 200 pages in length. A theme should be submitted in writing within sixty days of acceptance into the program. State your proposed dissertation idea in two to three sentences explaining what you hope to cover in your dissertation. The dissertation should be written in a way that it would be worthy of public distribution. The dissertation should introduce the theme and then in detail research the theme and provide the exposition or details of the theme. Footnotes and research notes should be noted numerically after each quote with the source listed.
The dissertation is prepared, submitted, and defended in an oral examination. Students can do this oral defense only after they have successfully completed course work, comprehensive examination, and a submission of dissertation.
TD 701 Seminar in Biblical Hermeneutics
TD707 Old Testament Theology Seminar
TD 708 New Testament Theology Seminar
TD 706 Research Design and Methodology
TD 725 Dissertation Writing
TD 703 Old Testament Seminar: Research Methods
TD 704 New Testament Seminar: Research Methods
TD 705 Pauline Theology Seminar
TD 702 Gospels Seminar
TD 709 Pentateuch Seminar
TD 710 Seminar in Prophetic Books
TD 712 Seminar in the History of Israel
TD 713 Seminar in Systematic Theology
TD 716 Seminar in Church History
TD718 Seminar in Christian Counseling
TD 723 Seminar in Theology of Mission
TD 724 Seminar in Culture and Missions